Yah, its hot. We don't have an AC, but we do have a finished basement. This is the time of year that I really really love it. The kids are camping out there, and I may join them. We made a tent out of a sheet, and they are so excited. I caught them running around while I was outdoor watering the garden (they couldn't see me). I love that they are so happy. Now, they are asleep.
It doesn't get in the 90's too often. Tomorrow, I may surprise them with the sprinkler. I might even join them. I bought 3 box fans and they are all blowing on me right now. Bobo, our cockatiel is downstairs where its cool, and Scotty will go down to his crate soon.
Today, we went to the library to hear a storyteller. She was good. She told about the Big Mouth Frog, and something about the Turtle and the Beaver. The kids liked it. I was annoyed by all the parents who arrived late. It was kind of disruptive. And the mom's that did nothing when their babies/toddlers cried. Last year, my son made a fuss, and you know what we did? We left. Because he was ruining it for everyone else. I was disappointed, but better me, than me and everyone else! But, all and all, the library did a nice job.
We are doing the Summer reading program. I read 6 books with the kids. I owe a $5.00 fine. I am so bad about returning books and renewing them. Its because my mommy always did this for me. She is a librarian. It stinks because we weren't done with them. We were enjoying them. I don't like this rule. I mean, its not like we ate cheetos while reading and got cheezy stains all over them. I know this is how the library makes money and retains their books. For the record, I had a part time job for a couple years in a library. So, I feel that I have a right to complain. And, we checked out 10 more books. I think reading is important. Even if it makes me broke.
Well, its not fun to sleep in the basement when your little brother messes with the night light. I don't know what happened, but they were screaming in the dark. I wonder for how long- because I had my three noisy big box fans on. So, now my daughter is sleeping on the bed I drug downstairs for myself, and my son is sleeping on the couch. Everyone was too afraid to sleep in the tent. I am not sleeping there, because I can't sleep on the floor- its too hard! Oh, and my son has a noisy tiger flashlight too. Its 10 PM. I think this is going to be a long night. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone slept in? Haahahaha!
(((hugs))) Waiting stinks, but it's great that you've made a step forward toward feeling better.
Oops, I think I posted my reply on the wrong post. Oh well . . .
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