Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer School

It is raining today. I feel very sluggish. I just ate mac n' cheese and drank a diet coke, which isn't helping with the sluggish feeling. Out in the yard, the new little plants are enjoying these showers. My kids tried out their new umbrellas, and danced around in their rain coats and boots. The doggie is dragging in lots of dirt and mud.

I am back to the school planning. I wonder how others do it. I truly wonder about this. I have tried to look for people I can relate to (by blog) and, well, I don't come up with much that I can relate too. I guess that I am curious to find new ideas or something.

I have planned a 9 AM - 2 PM schedule. This year seemed rather disorganized. I am going to clean things up. I have a rotating schedule, between kiddos. This is our summer schedule, 4 days a week, totally about 36 days. Because of course, family is visiting and we will hopefully take a family camping vacation too.

Summer School (D) is my daughter, (G) is my son:

9:00 (Both kids) Opening- Morning Prayer, Bible Verse, Missions Lesson/prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Patriotic Music

9:30 (D) Calendar and Math, (G) Playtime

10:00 (D) Snacktime, (G) Calendar and Math

10:20 (D) Journal Writing and Handwriting/Computer skills, (G) Snacktime

11:10 (D) Computertime, (G) ABC's

11:30 (Both Kids) Read together, Books on tape, Delenna reads-aloud

12:00 Lunchtime and Recess

12:50 (D) Bible Lesson, Health, Science, Social Studies (rotate), (G) Videotime

1:10 (D) Playtime, (G) Handwriting/Computer skills

1:30 (Both Kids) Art, Music, Games and Puzzles, Fitness (rotate)

2:00 End of School Day!

Also this summer: 6 weeks of dance for (D), the library Summer Reading program, Kalkaska Cares Summer program (An early literacy grant), and Vacation Bible School (evening program).

If we are this busy, maybe the house won't have a chance to get messy? What do you think?


CAS said...

I have a couple of thoughts for you (take them or leave them!) You might find that you can combine calendar time with both children. G is definitely able to sit through it and he might pick up on things as you work with D. I know that I can get my 18-24 month olds to sit through three or four books, a Bible story, calendar and weather, and some songs in one go. Then, when you break off for math for D, you could have G do his play time and then have both come back together for snack so they can do snack more "family style". While D is working on her journal, you could fit in G's math. I dunno if it would work, but the idea is that you don't have to be in two places at once (snack time and teacher) and the children get to interact in a controlled setting. Obviously, I'm not there, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt! I just thought I'd try to help.

By the way, I think it is awesome all that you are doing with them for your summer program. That's just awesome!

Puffin said...

You have good ideas- Saxon Math 1 includes the calendar, so that's why I didn't combine their calendars. And I'm not really doing "inventive" spelling with Delenna, so I am still helping her during her journal time. I am hoping to move past that by the fall. Her letters get HUGE without prompting. I had snack together, but then it made the day longer. I think sometimes snack will be together, though, like if we are making something. Gideon's Bible Story will be doing our family reading time. I'm not going to buy any special materials for him, just use the Beginner's Bible. Hmmm, maybe Delenna will be able to help me read it this year.

Ok, I just shot down all your ideas. ((Sorry!)) Keep sending the ideas, you are getting my wheels turning....

CAS said...

My thought was to get a cheap cardstock calendar from a teacher store or website and make a sort of "circle time" for them, then incorporate that into the math later on- almost making the calendar time part of your opening and then turn it into something you could build on later in the day. (Btw, you can get free calendar pieces to print from

My other thought is to help simplify your day so that you don't get overwhelmed by pushing for five hours. You can take breaks with the kids (ie snack time) so that you have a chance to regroup and transition to the next thing. I'm all out of thoughts for the moment, watch this space for changes as I get a sudden thought!

Puffin said...

regroup? My regrouping involves house cleaning. Isn't that awful? I have a glass of wine during Martha Speaks and Arthur at 3:30-4:30 if I don't have to go anywhere later on. And, by the way, I am out of wine.

CAS said...

Oh, I have *plenty* of whine, but I am sure you hear that on a daily basis! ;)