Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Towards the end of MI

The snow is melting, finally. It might even get up to 60 degrees within the week. The piles of dog poop abound. I will have to get out there and clean up the yard this week (yucky). The kids will play outdoors today. I am in a funk. It is Spring, and I should be filled with joy!
But, everything will come to a close soon. I feel like I am already pulling away from this place. Its just become a list of what is left before May 16th. Maybe, I am simply overwhelmed? I just want to get everything over with, and move.

We have 40 days left. There will be a kids Easter Party at the air station. There will be a family baby shower for us, at church. Then, my daughter's last eye appointment here. Followed by, a Peter Pan ballet that we will attend with a friend. We have Legos at the library, and then of course Easter Sunday. The Trout Festival, with a parade that my daughter will march in, and a possible visit by family for the weekend. Then, its May- and the movers pack us up and take our stuff away. We get to live in an empty house for a bit (almost two weeks). There is Mother's day, my son's birthday, check-ups for the pets, and finally a two day dance concert for my daughter. Done. Then we are all done. Then, we will move.

This house weighs on my mind. Will the banks come through in time? Will the buyers keep hanging on? Or, will we have an empty home, sitting on the market, and unsold, like so many other homes in Northern Michigan?

The baby is moving around all the time now. I love that. I will tackle another day of school with my kiddos. I love to watch them learn. And, my husband doesn't have any trips for a couple weeks. That is a blessing! It is hard to trust God, but He is able to do all things! I know He will continue to take care of my family.

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