Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby Wearing Group

Today, Tristan and I joined some ladies for a baby wearing meeting. It is a group of ladies who wear their babies in wraps. I was the oldest woman there, and the only one with more than one child (since I have three). My baby arrived sleepy and I wasn't sure if I wanted to pick him up and play dolly with him. But, the other babies were toddler, so he fought his nap.

I did not "wear" my other two kids. Sure, we put them in an outward facing carrier for walks - and later in a framed backpack when they were bigger. But, this is quite different. Baby wearing is interacting with your infant/toddler, keeping he/she close to you as you go about your day. These kids aren't "stuck" in the wrap all day long, but its a tool to keep them smiling, instead of using the playpen.

I do use some other "tools". I use an exersaucer and a jumperoo. They are safe places for my baby to hang out while I am nearby. But, I also use this really long blanket to wrap my little one, and carry him around while I go about my day. DH also wears the baby. In fact, baby is taking a nap in the woven wrap right now! I went out shopping with my daughter, and came home to a sleeping little one, so content, near his daddy's heart!

These women know a lot about baby wearing. One of them, must have had over 25 different styles. I could not imagine that- I have one. My first thought was how versatile it is. I can wear my baby on my hip, front or back. I learned today how to wear him on my hip. It was really really easy. I cannot throw my child over my shoulder and wear him on my back - yet. But, one day, I will.

There is this awesome wrap called a Mei-Tai. I am in love! I borrowed one of the mei-tai carriers to try, and I WANT ONE! It was so easy to use, and I can see myself using it to wear my child on my back. Here is an example:


Secret said...

OMG jill, had no clue u didn't wear your babies. I was very much into attachment parenting which stressed baby wearing. wouldn't have had it any other way. Let me know if you need any deals on those wraps.

Floortime Lite Mama said...

OMG I am so in love with that meitei
good for you for doing this
We used the Ergo
I was very much into baby wearing as R was a real high needs baby only happy and calm when he was stuck to us